
| 種まき・収穫カレンダーイギリス 有機農研究機関のHDRAによる「今月の畑仕事」オンライン・カレンダー。 http://www.hdra.org.uk/todo_jan.htm
アメリカ合州国 種会社「Territorial Seed Company」による種まきカレンダー。種まきの時期だけでなく、まく量、株間、種の深さ、収穫までの時期など、大多数の野菜に関する詳細も。 http://www.territorial-seed.com/links/charts/links_charts.html
アメリカ農務省による全国植物圏地図オンライン・バージョン。地図をクリックするとその地域の農業気候の詳細を見ることができる。 http://www.treeselect.com/UShzmap.htm
アメリカ園芸協会「American Horticultural Society」による気候ゾーン地図。 http://www.ahs.org/publications/zipfinder.htm
南半球 オーストラリアの「Canberra Organic Growers Society (COGS)」による、南半球における農作物季節カレンダー。ホームページには他の有機農関係の情報も満載。 http://www.netspeed.com.au/cogs/cogqart.htm#Index
香港 香港ガーデニング協会「Hong Kong Gardening Society」による種まきカレンダー。亜熱帯の香港では、種の袋に表示された種まき・収穫時期を無視することが大切とのこと。香港では暖かい秋と冬が畑の最盛期。 http://members.xoom.com/hkgardening/seeds.htm
Herklotsによる香港の種まき・収穫カレンダー。 「Vegetable Cultivation in Hong Kongモ by G.A.C. Herklots, Hong Kong, 1941)」
香港の野菜作物カレンダー Vegetable Garden Calendar for Hong Kong
From メGardening for Hong Kongモ, by W.J. Tutcher, F.L.S., Superintendent of the Botanical and Forestry Dept., Hong Kong, formerly of the Royal Gardens, Kew, 1913.
JANUARY - Seeds of the following may be sown: Mustard and Cress, Radish, Turnip, Chinese Spinach, French Beans, Peas, Cucumber, Lettuce, Tomato, Vegetable Marrow, Sweet Corn and Chinese Long Beans.
- Plant out young plants of the following: Cabbage, Lettuce, Endive, Kohl Rabi and Brinjal.
- Earth up Celery as required, previous to which give the beds a good watering.
- Tie up Cos Lettuce to blanch them, and put flower pots over Endive for the same purpose.
- Put in cuttings of Tomatoes, as plants raised in this way fruit earlier than those from seed.
- Fresh beds of Watercress may be made.
FEBRUARY - Seeds of the following may be sown: Mustard and Cress, Radish, Turnip, Chinese Spinach, French Beans, Peas, Cucumber, Lettuce, Sweet Corn, Chinese Long Beans, Water Spinach, Ochroes and Sword Beans.
- Put out young plants of the following: Lettuce, Vegetable Marrow, Tomato, Cucumber and Brinjal.
- Towards the end of the month Jerusalem Artichokes may be planted.
- Asparagus beds may now be manured.
- Lettuce and Endive blanch for succession.
- Earth up Celery for succession.
MARCH - Seeds of the following may be sown: Mustard and Cress, Radish, Turnip, Chinese Spinach, French Beans, Cucumber, Lettuce, Sweet Corn, Chinese Long Bean and Ochroes.
- Plant out any seedlings ready from last monthユs sowings.
- Canavalias (Sword Bean) should be planted
- Watercress may still be planted.
- Plant out Tomatoes raised from cuttings.
- Brinjals may be planted.
- Get stakes ready for Cucumbers, Canavalias (Sword Bean) and Chinese Long Beans.
- Jerusalem Artichokes may still be planted.
APRIL - Seeds of the following may be sown: Mustard and Cress, Chinese Spinach, French Beans, Cucumber, Lettuce, Sweet Corn, Chinese Long Beans, Ockro and Brinjal.
- Plant out seedlings (raised last month) of Cucumber, Lettuce and Ockroes.
- Stake Canavalias, Cucumbers and Long Beans as they require it.
- Keep the surface of the beds in good condition with the Dutch hoe. Plants cannot thrive with a hard, baked surface to the soil.
MAY - Seeds of the following may be sown: Mustard and Cress, Chinese Spinach, French Beans, Cucumber, Lettuce, Sweet Corn and Chinese Long Beans.
- Put out last monthユs seedlings of Cucumber, Lettuce, Ockro and Brinjal.
- Seedlings of Chinese Spinach may be planted out if desired, but if frequent sowings are made this is not necessary as seedlings pulled from the seed-bed are more tender than those which have been transplanted.
- Attend to the staking of Cucumbers and Long Beans.
JUNE - Seeds of the following may be sown: Mustard and Cress, Chinese Spinach, Cucumber, Lettuce, Sweet Corn, Chinese Long and Short Beans, Chinese Green and White Cabbage.
- Thin out some of the leaves of Chinese Long Beans.
- Brinjals will be better if they have some of their leaves taken off, as they will continue to bear much longer, especially if they are given a little more manure at the roots.
JULY - Seeds of the following may be sown: Mustard and Cress, Chinese Spinach, Cucumber, Lettuce, Sweet Corn, Chinese Short Beans, Celery, ~Chinese White and Green Cabbage.
AUGUST - Short Beans sown last month will require staking. Seeds of the following may be sown: Mustard and Cress, Chinese Spinach, Lettuce, Sweet Corn, Chinese Green and White Cabbage, Celery, Tomatoes and Carrots.
- Dig over all vacant ground, so that it will be in good condition for sowing seeds in September and October.
SEPTEMBER - Seeds of the following may be sown: Mustard and Cress, Chinese Spinach, Lettuce, Sweet Corn, Chinese Green and White Cabbage, Radish, Beet, Carrot, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Vegetable Marrow and Celery.
- Plant out Tomatoes.
- Transplant Celery from seed pans into nurse beds.
- Towards the end of the month manure the beds for the bulk of the winter crops.
- Obtain Brinjal seeds for sowing next month.
OCTOBER - Seeds of the following may be sown: Mustard and Cress, Lettuce, Chinese Green and White Cabbage, Radish, Beet, Carrot, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery, Brussels Sprout, Endive, Prickly Spinach, Turnip, Parsnip, Salsify, Pea, French Bean, Thyme, Sage Marjoram, Parsley, Brinjal, Chillies, Asparagus, Leek, Savoy Cabbage and Kohl Rabi.
- Plant out Cabbage, Cauliflower, Vegetable Marrow and Celery.
- Potatoes may be planted about the middle of the month.
- Procure seeds of Ockroes, Water Spinach and Chinese Spinach.
NOVEMBER - The same kinds of seeds as last month may be sown either for succession or to replace failures.
- Plant Celery, Potatoes, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Brussels Sprouts, Lettuce, Endive, Kohl Rabi &c.
- Earth up first bed of Celery, also of Potatoes.
- Tie up Lettuce to blanch them. Lettuce plants through the summer will never be big enough to tie up, but with cooler weather the plants will be bigger and this may be done.
DECEMBER - Seeds of the following may be sown: Mustard and Cress, Lettuce, Radish, Cabbage, Celery, Turnip, Peas and French Beans.
- Plant out seedlings of Celery, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Lettuce, &c.
- Earth up Celery and Potatoes.
- Keep the soil well stirred in the beds and see that everything is watered sufficiently.