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County Palatine of Chester
Local Medical and Panel Committee
March 22, 1939
Sir Robert McCarrison -- Bibliography
12. His appended bibliography, for which the thanks of the committee are due to Mr. T.J. Shields, librarian of the B.M.A., gives some conception of the basis of research upon which Sir Robert's teaching is founded.
Perhaps no passage in his writings better summarises his doctrine than that which is quoted in our Testament.
12+ For his Gabrielle Howard Memorial Lecture, Nutrition and Health, see below.
"Nutrition and National Health" by Sir Robert McCarrison, Faber and Faber, 1953, republished as "Nutrition and Health", together with two earlier essays, by The McCarrison Society, London, 1982
The Cantor Lectures, delivered by McCarrison before The Royal Society of Arts in 1936 -- a full outline of McCarrison's groundbreaking work in India with national diets and how closely they were reflected in patterns of health and disease. With photographs. Earlier version, full text online at the Soil and Health Library:
McCarrison (Sir R.) Lloyd Roberts lecture; adventures in research, Tr. M. Soc., London. 60: 46-71, 1937
-- . Nutritional needs in pregnancy. -- Brit. M.J. 2: 256-257. August 7, 1937.
-- . Nutrition in health and disease. -- Brit. M.J. 2: 611-615. Sept. 26, 1936.
-- . Diet and nutrition. -- M. Officer. 56: 185, Oct. 31, 1936
-- & Krishnan (B.G.). Lathyrism in rat. Indian J.M. Research. 22: 65-66, July, 1934.
-- & Sankaran (G.) Effect on thyroid cells in vitro of "goitre-noxa" associated with certain conditions of insanitation. -- Indian J.M. Research. 22: 53-57.
-- . Effect of plasma from polyneuritic fowls on growth in vitro of embryo-chick intestine. -- Indian J.M. Research. 22: 67-70, July 1934.
-- , Krishnan (B.G.) & Madhava (K.B.). Effect of caging on thyroid gland of albino rats with statistical note. -- Indian J.M. Research 22: 59-64, July, 1934.
-- , Sankaran (G.) & Beer (W.A.). Electrophoresis experiments with virus of rabies. -- Indian J.M. Research. 21: 917-934, April, 1934.
-- . Interaction of food and sanitary conditions in causation and prevention of thyroid disease. -- Indian J.M. Research 20: 957-969, April, 1933.
-- . Goitrogenic action of soya-bean and ground-nut. -- Indian J.M. Research 21: 179-181, July, 1933.
-- . Paper on food and goitre. -- Brit. M.J. 2: 671-675, October 14, 1933.
-- & Sankaran (G.) Hydrogen-ion concentration in organs and body fluids of scorbutic guinea-pigs. -- Indian J.M. Research, 20: 971-974, April, 1933.
-- & Sankaran (G.) Effect of iodine on growth and metabolism of thyroid tissue in vitro. -- Indian J.M. Research. 21: 183-186, July, 1933.
-- & Sankaran (G.) Effect of plasma from case of polyneuritis gallinarum on growth of tissues in vitro; preliminary note. -- Indian J.M. Research. 21: 187-189, July, 1933.
-- & Madhava (K.B.) Effect of insanitary conditions on thyroid gland and other organs of body. -- Indian J.M. Research. 20: 697-722, Jan., 1933.
-- , Sankaran (G.) and Madhava (K.B.) Effect of exclusive diet of cabbage on internal organs of rabbits, with statistical examination of data. -- Indian J.M. Research. 20: 723-738, Jan., 1933.
-- , Sankaran (G.) and Madhava (K.B.) Hydrogen ion concentration in organs of pigeons fed on polyneuritis-producing diets. -- Indian J.M. Research. 20: 739-756, Jan, 1933.
-- . Problems of nutrition in India. -- Nutrition Abstr. & Rev. 2: 1-8, July, 1932.
-- . Effect of sunlight and darkness on thyroid gland. -- Indian J.M. Research. 20: 633-635, Oct., 1932.
-- & Madhava (K.B.). Effect of insanitary conditions on thyroid gland and other organs of body. -- Indian J. M. Research. 20: 637-649, Oct., 1932.
-- . Aetiology and epidemiology of endemic goitre. -- Rep. Internat. Conf. Goiter (1927), pp. 280-310, 1929.
-- & Madhava (K.B.). Life line of thyroid gland: contribution to study of goitre. -- Indian J.M. Research. (Memoir No. 23) pp. 3-378. March, 1932.
-- . Some surgical aspects of faulty nutrition. -- Brit. M.J. 1: 966-971, June 6, 1931.
-- . Causation of stone in India. -- Brit. M.J. 1: 1009-1015. June 13, 1931; also Lancet. 1: 1413-1417, June 27, 1931; also Vet. J 87: 411-430, Sept., 1931.
-- . Researches on "stone": on effect of milk in preventing formation of calcium stones in urinary tract of albino rats. -- Indian J.M. Research. 19: 51-53, July, 1931.
-- . Experimental production of gastric ulcer in albino rats: preliminary report. -- Indian J.M. Research. 19: 61-66, July, 1931.
-- & Ranganathan (S.). Researches on "stone"; on relative importance of Vitamin A, radiostoleum, cod-liver oil and sodium phosphate in preventing formation of calcium stones in urinary tract of albino rats. -- Indian J.M. Research. 19: 55-60, July, 1931.
-- & Sankaran (G.). Urinary excretion of iodine by goitrous and non-goitrous persons in Gilgit. -- Indian J.M. Research. 19: 67-70, July, 1931.
-- . Further researches on stone. Indian J.M. Research. 18: 903-934, Jan, 1931.
-- . Studies on goitre produced by cabbage. -- Indian J.M. Research. 18: 1311-1334, April, 1931.
-- . Some surgical aspects of faulty nutrition. -- Lancet: 1: 1151-1154, May 23, 1931.
-- & Singh (M.). Note on Bartonella muris anaemia. -- Indian J.M. Research. 18: 945-949, Jan. 1931.
-- & Sankaran (G.) & Madhava (K.B.). Urinary excretion of iodine by goitrous and non-goitrous persons in Gilgit, with statistical examination of experimental data. -- Indian J.M. Research. 18: 1336-1345, April, 1931.
-- . Note on size of thyroid gland of albino rats (Coonoor). -- Indian J.M. Research. 18: 553-555, October, 1930.
-- . Further researches on lymph-adrenoid goitre in rats. -- Indian J.M. Research. 18: 577-598, Oct., 1930.
-- & Madhava (K.B.). Effects of high protein diets on thyroid gland, with statistical note. -- Indian J.M. Research. 18: 619-661, October, 1930.
-- . Whole wheat and white bread; comparative study. -- Indian J.M. Research. 17: 667-691, Jan., 1930.
-- . Diseases of faulty nutrition. Far East. A. Trop. Med., Tr. Seventy Cong. (1927). 3: 311-320, 1930.
-- . Relative values of national diets of certain Indian races. Far East. A. Trop. Med., Tr. Seventy Cong. (1927) 3: 322, 1930.
-- . Effects of faulty food deficient in vitamins on gastro-intestinal tract. -- Far East. A. Trop. Med., Tr. Seventy Cong. (1927) 3: 324-328, 1930.
-- . Effect of manganese on growth. -- Far East A. Trop. Med., Tr. Seventy Cong. (1927) 3: 343, 1930.Books and pamphlets
McCarrison (Sir R.). Collected Papers on Goitre and Cretinism, 1915.
-- . The Etiology of Endemic Goitre: being the Milroy Lecture delivered at the Royal College of Physicians of London, January, 1913.
-- . The Thyroid Gland in Health and Diseases, 1917.
-- . Studies in Deficiency Disease. 1921.
-- . The Simple Goitres. 1926.
-- . Food: a primer for use in schools, colleges, welfare centres, boy scout and girl guide organisations, etc., in India. 1931.
-- . NUTRITION AND NATIONAL HEALTH. 1936. Cantor Lectures: Royal Society of Arts.
-- . Nutrition and Health. Gabrielle Howard Memorial Lecture, Royal Institution. May 25th, 26th, 1937.
-- , Sundararjan (E.R.) & Gloster (T.H.), Beri-beri Columbarum. 1928.
-- . Influence of manganese chloride in preventing lymph-adrenoid goitre in rats. -- Indian J.M. Research. 17: 442-452, Oct., 1929.
-- . White and Brown Bread. Brit. M.J. 2: 913-914, Nov. 16, 1929.
-- . Beri-beri columbarum. -- Indian J.M. Research. (Memoir No. 10) pp. 1-146, March, 1928.
-- . Experimentally produced lymph-adrenoid goitre. -- Indian J.M. Research. 15: 909-914, April, 1928.
-- . Influence of irrigation on nutritive value of rice. -- Indian J.M. Research. 15: 915-920, April, 1928.
-- . Note on experimental production of lymph-adrenoid goitre in rats. Brit. M.J. 1: 5-6, Jan 5, 1929.
-- . Remarks on diseases of faulty nutrition. -- Brit. M.J. 1: 92-93, Jan 21, 1928.
-- . Studies on lathyrism. -- Indian J.M. Research. 15: 797-800, Jan., 1928.
-- . Experimental production of stone-in-bladder. -- Indian J.M. Research. 15: 801-806, Jan., 1928.
-- . Experimental production of stone-in-bladder with note on pernicious anaemia and epidemic dropsy: preliminary note. -- Indian J.M. Research. 14: 895-899, April, 1927.
-- . Experimental production of stone-in-bladder. -- Indian J.M. Research. 15: 197-205, July, 1927.
-- . Experimental production of new type of goitre unrelated in its origin to iodine. -- Indian J.M. Research. 15: 247-263, July, 1927.
-- . Experimental prevention of stone in bladder in rats. -- Brit. M.J. 2: 159-160, July 30, 1927; also Indian J.M. Research. 15: 485-488. Oct., 1927.
-- et al. Relation of endemic goitre to iodine-content of soil and drinking water. -- Indian J.M. Research. 15: 207-246, July, 1927.
-- . Experiment in goitre prevention: further history of goitre at Lawrence Royal Military School, Sanawar, Junjab, India. -- Indian J.M. Research. 14: 655-658, Jan., 1927; also Brit. M.J. 1: 94-95, Jan. 15, 1927.
-- . Nutritive value of wheat, paddy and certain other food-grains. -- Indian J.M. Research. 14: 631-639, Jan., 1927.
-- . Effect of manganese on growth. -- Indian J.M. Research. 14: 641-648, Jan., 1927.
-- . Good diet and bad one: experimental contrast. -- Indian J.M. Research. 14: 649-654, Jan., 1927.
-- . Experimental production of stone in bladder. -- Brit. M.J. 1: 717-718, April 16, 1927.
-- . Experimental production of new type of goitre unrelated in its origin to iodine. -- Lancet. 1: 916-920, April 30, 1927.
-- . Effect of manurial conditions on nutritive and vitamin values of millet and wheat. -- Indian J.M. Research. 14: 351-378, October, 1926.
-- . Lathyrism in Gilgit Agency. -- Indian J.M. Research. 14: 379-381, Oct., 1926.
-- . Good diet and bad one: experimental contrast. -- Brit. M.J 2: 730-732, Oct. 23, 1926.
-- . Effects of excessive ingestion of lime on thyroid gland and influence of iodine in counteracting them. -- Indian J.M. Research. 13: 817-821, April, 1926.
-- . Relationship of diet to physical efficiency of Indian races. -- Practitioner. 114: 90-100, Jan., 1925.
-- . Thyroid disease. -- Brit. M.J. 1: 1065-1069, June 13, 1925.
-- & Norris (R.V.). Relationship of rice to beri-beri in India. -- Indian J.M. Research. (Memoir No. 2) 1-87, Oct., 1924.
-- . Pathogenesis of deficiency disease: effect of asphyxia on action of adrenalin; effect of carbon dioxide on action of adrenalin. -- Indian J.M. Research. 11: 749-769, Jan., 1924.
-- . Rice in relation to beri-beri in India. Brit. M.J. 1: 414-420, March 8, 1924; also in Proc. Roy. Soc. Med. (Sect. Trop. Dis. & Parasit.) 17: 65-82, June, 1924.
-- . Relation of manure to nutritive and vitamin value of certain grain. -- Brit. M.J. 1: 567-569, March 29, 1928.
-- . Pathogenesis of deficiency disease; relation of faulty nutrition to development of epithelioma contagiosum. -- Indian J.M. Research. 11: 1119-1129, April, 1924.
-- . Effects of excess ingestion of certain amino acids on growth, metamorphosis and thyroid gland of tadpoles. -- Indian J.M. Research. 11: 1131-1136, April, 1924.
-- . Effects of long continued ingestion of tyramine and histamine. -- Indian J.M. Research. 11: 1137-1156, April, 1924.
-- . Goitre. -- Brit. M.J. 1: 989-994, June 7, 1924.
-- . Function of adrenal glands and its relation to concentration of hydrogen ions. -- Brit. M.J. 1: 101-102, Jan 20, 1923.
-- . Relation of faulty nutrition to development of epithelioma contagiosum of fowls. -- Brit. M.J. 2: 172-174, Aug. 4, 1923.
-- . Pathogenesis of deficiency disease: concerning the function of adrenal gland and its relation to concentration of hydrogen-ions. -- Indian J.M. Research. 10: 861-899, April, 1923.
-- . Pathogenesis of deficiency disease; effects of heat, cold serum and sunlight on the action of epinephrin and adrenalin hydrochloride. -- Indian J.M. Research. 10: 900-907, April, 1923.
-- . Pathogenesis of deficiency disease: observations on fat excess in relation to iodine requirements and to thyroid gland. -- Indian J.M. Research. 11: 1-51, July, 1923.
-- . Faulty food in relation to gastro-intestinal disorder. -- J.A.M.A. 78:1-8, Jan. 7, 1922.
-- . Goitre -- Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Mouth. 3: 396-402, 1924-5.
-- , Williams (L.), et al. Discussion on non-specific disturbances of health due to vitamin deficiency. -- Proc. Roy. Soc. Med. 18: 1924-25, Sect. Roy Soc. Med. 15-24.
-- . Observations on the effects of fat excess on the growth and metamorphosis of tadpoles. -- Proc. Roy. Soc. Med. 92: 295-303, S.B. 1920-21.
-- . Fats in relation to the genesis of goitre. -- Brit. M.J. 1: 179-181, 1922.
-- . Effect of faulty foods on endocrine glands. -- N. York M.J. 115: 309-314, 1922.
-- . Endocrine gland studies, including goitre in India. -- Proc. N. York. Path. Soc. 21: 154-174, 1921.
-- . The influence of deficient and ill-balanced dietaries in favouring the development of gastro-intestinal infections. -- Indian J.M. Research. Calcutta, 1920, Cong. No. 38-43.
-- . The pathogenesis of deficiency disease. III. The influence of deficiencies in accessory food factors on the intestine. -- Indian J.M. Research. 7: 269-278, 1919-1920.
-- . The effects of deficient dietaries on monkeys. -- Brit. M.J. (Abstract). 1: 249-253, 1920.
-- . The pathogenesis of deficiency disease. No. V. Histo-pathology. -- Indian J.M. Research. 7: 269-278, 1919-1920.
-- . No. VIII. The general effects of deficient dietaries on monkeys. -- Indian J.M. Research. 308-341, 1919-1920.
-- . The pathogenesis of deficiency disease. No. IX. On the occurrence of recently developed cancer of the stomach in a monkey fed on food deficient in vitamins. -- Indian J.M. Research. 7: 633-647, 1919-1920.
-- . Dietetic deficiency and endocrine activity: with special reference to deficiency oedemas. -- Brit. M.J. 2: 1920. Sect. Trop. Med. 236-239.
-- . The pathogenesis of deficiency disease. -- Brit. M.J. 1: 177, 1919.
-- . The pathogenesis of deficiency disease. -- Indian J.M. Research, 6: 275-355, 1918, 1919.
-- . The influence of deficiency of accessory food factors on the intestine. -- Brit. M.J. 2: 37-39, 1919.
-- . The effects of a scorbutic diet on the adrenal glands. -- Brit. M.J. 2: 200, 1919.
-- . The pathogenesis of deficiency disease. II. The effects of deprivation of B accessory food factors. -- Indian J.M. Research. 6: 550-556, 1918, 1919.
-- . The life history of the thyroid apparatus. -- Med. Press & Circ. 154: 307-309, 1917.
-- . India and medical progress. -- Brit. M.J. 2: 109-112, 1917.
-- . The experimental production of congenital goitre. -- Indian J.M. Research. 4: 183-189, 1916, 1917.
-- . Nervous cretinism. -- Proc. Roy. Soc. Med. 7: 157-164, 1913, 1914.
-- . Endemic goitre. -- Practitioner. 94: 70-93, 1915.
-- . The distribution of goitre in India. -- Indian J.M. Research. 2: 778-790, 1914-15.
-- . Experimental researches on the etiology of endemic cretinism, congenital goitre and parathyroid disease. -- Indian J.M. Research. 1: 505-522, 1913-14.
-- . An enquiry into the causation of goitre at the Lawrence Military Asylum, Sanawar. -- Indian J.M. Research. 1: 536-588, 1913-14.
-- . The ductless glands. -- Lancet. 1: 931, 1914.
-- . Etiology of endemic cretinism, congenital goitre, and congenital parathyroid disease: abstract of experimental researches. -- Lancet. 1: 817-819, 1914.
-- . The pathogenesis of experimentally produced goitre. -- Indian J.M. Research. 2: 183-213, 1914.
-- . Experimental researches on the etiology of endemic goitre. -- Indian J.M. Research. 2: 214; 226, 1914.
-- . A contribution to the study of experimental beri-beri. -- Indian J.M. Research. 2: 369, 374, 1914.
-- . A second series of experiments dealing with the transmission of goitre from man to animals. -- Ann. Trop. M. & Parasitol. 5: 453-470, 1911,1912.
-- . The vaccine treatment of simple goitre. -- Lancet. 1: 337-360, 1912.
-- . The vaccine treatment of simple goitre. -- Proc. Roy. Soc. Med. 5: Med. Sect. 37-52, 1911, 1912.
-- . The experimental transmission of goitre from man to animals. -- Ann. Trop. M. & Parasitol. 5: 187-198, 1911.
-- . The experimental transmission of goitre from man to animals. -- Proc. Roy. Soc. S.B. 84; 155, 1911.
-- . A resume of researches on endemic goitre. -- Indian M. Gaz. 46: 253-260, 1911.
-- . Further experimental researches on the etiology of endemic goitre. -- Ann. Trop. M. & Parasitol. 5; 1-14, 1911.
-- . Observations on the amoebae in the intestines of persons suffering from goitre in Gilgit. -- Quart. J. Micr. Sc. 43: 723-736, 1908, 1909.
-- . A summary of further researches on the etiology of endemic goitre. -- Proc. Roy. Soc. S.B. 81: 31, 1909.
-- . A critical analysis of the etiology and symptomatology of the three-day fever of Chitral; and an analogy between this condition and dengue fever. -- Indian M. Gaz. 43: 5-12, 1908.
-- . Observations of endemic cretinism in the Chitral and Gilgit Valleys. -- Lancet 2: 1275-1280, 1908.
-- . The three days' fever of Chitral: a contribution to the study of unclassed fevers of India. -- Indian M. Gaz. 41: 7-14, 1906.
-- . Enteric fever in Goorkhas with a few remarks as to its propagation and differential diagnosis in the early stage. -- Indian M. Gaz. 38: 98-100, 1903.
-- . A case of blastomycetic dermatitis in the Chitral. -- Indian M. Gaz. 38: 138-140, 1903.
The Nature of Health (Introduction and Table of Contents)
Medical Testament
McCarrison bibliography (References)
Speeches by Sir Robert McCarrison and Sir Albert Howard
Correspondence in the British Medical Journal
Food and Health -- Lionel Picton
Soil Fertility and Health -- Sir Albert Howard
Soil Fertility: The Farm's Capital -- Sir Bernard Greenwell
Open-Air Dairying -- A.J. Hosier
Farming for Profit with Organic Manures -- Friend Sykes
Nutrition and Health -- Sir Robert McCarrison
Nutrition in Health and Disease -- Sir Robert McCarrison
Studies in Deficiency Disease (Introduction) -- Sir Robert McCarrison
Diseases of Faulty Nutrition -- Sir Robert McCarrison
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration -- Weston A. Price
The Saccharine Disease -- T. L. Cleave
An Agricultural Testament -- Sir Albert Howard
Ill Fares the Land -- Dr. Walter Yellowlees
Food & Health in the Scottish Highlands: Four Lectures from a Rural Practice -- Dr Walter Yellowlees
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